
Prayer Time

Prayer Time - The Holy Rosary

Prayer Time is an essential asset to the true Christian faith. Good programmes for young people, married couples and for all the family are assured with Christian TV Ireland. We support family values and are dedicated to the honour and glory of God.
The Holy Rosary for Catholics down the centuries has been a great solace during difficulties, like we have now with this Virus and peoples freedom curtailed. The Holy Rosary answers the Spiritual Yearning of people.

Joyful Mysteries

Prayer Time – Joyful Mysteries. This consists of 5 decades:
The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, The Blessed Virgin and said to Her, a young woman, “Blessed are you Mary you are going to give birth to the Saviour and you must name Him Jesus”. This means Saviour.
Mary replied to the Angel “How CAN THIS BE, SINCE I HAVE NOT BEEN WITH A MAN?”. The Angel said “You will conceive by the Holy Spirit”. Mary’s great acceptance was ”Let it be done according to thy word”.
CTVI Prayer Time
CTVI Prayer Time

Luminous Mysteries

Prayer Time – The five Luminous Mysteries were introduced by Pope Saint John Paul 11..
This was in thanksgiving for his life being saved, which he attributed to the Miraculous Medal.
Pope Saint John Paul had great Devotion to the Blessed Virgin and visited every Marian Shrine, including Knock in 1979. During his pontificate, Ireland was the second country he visited, after Poland.

Sorrowful Mysteries

Prayer Time – Our Saviour Jesus was betrayed with a traitor’s kiss, by Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 Apostles chosen by Him. Judas was accompanied by soldiers of the High Priests carrying spears and clubs to deal with the Apostles if they attempted to protect Jesus.
In fact, they deserted Him. At the Last Supper on Holy Thursday night, Jesus told the 12 Apostles that one of them would betray him. Each one said “Not I Lord” (including Judas).
Judas excused himself before the supper was over. Jesus said to him -“Go quickly and do whatever you intend to do.” Jesus brought the eleven Apostles into the Garden of Gethsemane, to pray, as He always did after supper.
He brought Peter, John and James near to where he Himself prayed. He told them to watch and pray and not be put to the test.. Jesus then went away to pray by Himself.
He sweated blood, begging the Father to remove the cup which He was to endure. (Not Our Saviour’s Word be done but that of the Father).
An Angel consoled Jesus, who went back twice to Peter, John and James. They were asleep. Jesus said to them “Could you not watch one hour with me?”. They never forgot this.
CTVI Prayer Time
CTVI Prayer Time

The Angelus

Prayer Time – The Angelus. In Ireland, The Angelus Bell rings at 12 midday each day and and 6 p.m. in the evening.
Catholics say the Angelus Prayer at these times.
If it is not possible to say the Angelus Prayer at the precise time, it can be said soon afterwards.
For those who may have fallen out of the practice of saying the Angelus prayer, they should get the wording again. By saying it, it’s a great gift of remembering their gift of Faith.